Medical condition of Schalk Burger

PUBLISHED: March 28, 2013

The Burger family has released a statement concerning the medical condition of DHL Stormers and Springbok loose forward Schalk Burger.

The statement is as follows:

“We as a family herewith would like to advise all the fans, supporters, sponsors and employers of Schalk that he was yesterday afternoon diagnosed as having contracted bacterial meningitis following an operation to reduce pressure on a nerve that was influencing the performance of his calf muscle.

“Given a successful recovery, he will remain in hospital for the next 14 days and where after it will be at least another six weeks before he will be fit for playing.

“We would like to thank the specialists looking after him, and are doing a marvelous job, as well as everyone who has sent their best wishes, given the tough time he, his wife Michele and son Schalk are going through.

“We will issue a further statement as his condition improves.”

– The Burger Family
March 28, 2013


Mediese toestand van Schalk Burger

“Ons as ‘n familie wil net hiermee al die ondersteuners, borge en werkgewers van Schalk verwittig dat hy gistermiddag gediagnoseer is met bakteriele breinvliesontsteking na ‘n operasie verlede week, om druk op ‘n senuwee te verlig wat sy kuitspier se werking belemmer het.

“Gegewe die feit dat daar ‘n volkome herstel plaasvind, sal hy nog twee weke in die hospitaal vertoef waarna hy hopelik na ses weke fiks sal kan wees vir die speel van rugby.

“Ons wil graag die span spesialiste wat na hom kyk en wonderlike werk verrig, asook alle persone wat wense van voorspoed deurgestuur het bedank, gegewe die moeilike tyd wat hy, sy vrou Michele en seun Schalk deurmaak.

“Ons sal ‘n verdere verklaring uitreik namate sy toestand verbeter.”

– Die Burger Familie
Maart 28, 2013